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West Midlands Ringing Group are British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) Licenced ringers with sites across the West Midlands, Staffordshire, Worcestershire & Shropshire

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Meet the team ......


Ben Dolan

Paul Hopwood

Ferg Henderson

A Permit:

Jim Stewart 

C Permit:

Keith Clowes

Martin George

Jess Stuart-Smith

Claire Dovey

Anita Glover

Paul Smith

Bryan Rampton

T Permit:

Matilda Dolan

Nick Berry

Morgan Hughes

John Hunt
Dennis Leonard
Roy Ingley

Leigh Yates 

Carl Hiles

Kev Whiston 

Why do we ring birds?

Ringing birds is essential if we are to learn about how long birds live and when and where they move, questions that are vital for bird conservation.


Read more about it on the below link

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